Technical Services
Website Development
Increase your company’s Exposure by yielding greater reach to targeted audiences within your specific market. Through our series of design steps, we have mastered techniques in marketing and digital applications that help focus on helping your company continue to grow.
Website Hosting
For greatest continuity, Exposure has the capacity to host and maintain your site once our experienced staff produces it. We also offer multiple publication methods for your convenience and budget.
Search Engine Placement
Simply “building it and they will come” philosophies don’t work. That is why Exposure International produces a complete package for our clients by ensuring your “MOBILE first” ingredient is a paramount design component within site functionality consideration to ensure your intended customers arrive at your site through priority GOOGLE, mobile first ranking preferences.
Strategic E-mail Campaigns
Through a variety of e-mail campaign strategies, we have been highly successful in helping our clients achieve their goals in capturing greater market share. Please ask us how we can help you grow your client base through targeted e-mail marketing.
After campaigns and media are developed, we implement core TRACKING TIED TO ALL MEDIA so you can trace response, frequency, and R.O.I. for EVERY process implemented. You’ll KNOW what marketing is working, when, where, and why.
“Exact Science” Marketing. No more guess work. We get creative, then we get the facts. Every process allows us to more effectively target mid-campaign responses so we can adjust media instantly and use this feedback for all future campaign development.
Database Development
Whether it’s automating mundane marketing processes with our Marketing Tool Kit, or expediting how a campaign flows weekly, monthly, or yearly, our database solutions are customized to fit your specific needs.
After we visit with you about your process needs, our team of developers brings together a suite of solutions that are tied into an easy-to-use interface tied to a database that best suits your environment to bring your internal processes to a fluid solution.
Give an Exposure International rep a call today to begin the innovative database solution that will aid in your company’s growth and automation.e

303.906.8575 info@exposureinternational.com 305 W. South 1st St., Johnstown, CO . 80534 Copyright 2019 – Exposure International, LLC