Meeting Minutes: May 19, 2004
The regular meeting of the Ballpark Neighborhood Association was called
to order at 6:00 PM on May 19, 2004 at The Coors Field by Max
Board members present:
Johnny s., Max, amy s., amy h., david t., david m., ron, Judy, Mary & eric.
Neighborhood police officers (npo) report:cpteo-sat. June 19th@montbello hs 8am-5pm dealing with the elimination of crimes on properties. Dpd is getting 6 decoy cars that allert police when they are stolen. Dist 6 may get to use all 6 of them. They are also going to take a more agressive stand dealing with the let out crowds from bars. When dealing with the homeless/campers they must give a 3 day eviction notice on public property. After the 3 days the property can be seized and then must be held (@ parks & rec) for 10 days. Cops can't remove belongings off of private property but the property owners can without waiting 3 days. If property owner isn't around, we can contact neighborhood inspections. Police are working on cleaning up the triangle (monkey) park @ lawrence, Broadway, & Park Ave West. Police are increasing their narcotics operations but have fewer officers. Keep calling when you see drug activity. (720-913-2000 non-emergency number)
Dist 6 is going to add extra patrols to deal with the increase in graffiti activity. Sign the trespass list to have cops remove people from your property without you having to call.
Sandy Adams from the Denver election commission talked about the new requirement of having a state issued photo id when voting. Student ID's won't work.
Amy harman gave a pr committee update. Stated mission is to raise recognition of the neighborhood. Investigating giving welcome packages to the new residents. Developing a neighborhood map that will also include mention of the northern downtown arts district. Designer will begin working on the project on Friday (5/21/04). We currently have 2 sponsors for the map.
Barb & trish from exposure international said is the portal to information about the neighborhood. Kuvo radio station has partnered with ei. Contact them to get listed on web site( or 303-255-1022).
Brent Snyder from the Broadway lofts said his project is scheduled to be completed by April 2005. It has 235 parking spaces and 223 rental units(8 floors) and they will be "affordable" @ 60% of median income. Main floor (2 storied) is commercial. He has hired a landscape architect to draw up plans for the triagle park. Council president, elbra wedgeworth has issued a request for capital improvement funds for the project.
Troy tyus new owner for the rib crib @ 1920 blake st. It is a sports bar (hotel/restaurant license-no dance cabaret). Opens 5/27. 11am-10pm sun-thurs. Restaurant open until 11pm on fri & sat with the bar opened until midnight.
Eric roper encouraged members to volunteer for the LoDo music fest on July 9th & 10th. He is attending performance international's information meeting on may 26th. He is going to e-mail the volunteer schedule on the 27th with 3 hour shift commitments. Volunteer thank you party will follow the July 14th general membership meeting. He is also going to e-mail to the membership other volunteer opportunities.
Corrie Bonnar from councilwoman Judy montero's office said that a new dog park is going in next to the skate park and should be completed by the end of next summer. The next neighborhood congress may be more localized to individual neighborhoods. John soneff suggested putting a fence around the triangle park. Corrie will see if that is possible. (follow up:fences can't be constructed on park properties.)
Hearing for the transfer of the liquor license at 2040 Larimer st. Was vacated-city attorney's office felt they didn't have enough evidence to object to the transfer. Corrie Bonnar said that Judy montero is on the mayor's liquor license task force and will check to see if she can request a hearing. (follow up:out of Judy's hands but will continue to work on reform through the task force.)
Club rise is requesting a change from a hotel and restaurant license to a tavern license. The hearing is june 21, 2004 @ 9am @ excise & license(2nd floor wellington webb building).
Bahman shafa from the focus group spoke about his request to vacate the alley (walnut, Larimer, 24th streets & Park Avenue west). Their reasons are:1)cleaning up alley-remove posts & poles 2)one point of entry for parking-easier to control traffic 3)Larimer street market-can't control car traffic through alley during the market 4)contractors & catering trucks are parking in the alley.
Judy spoke to paul (in the city planning office) and he didn't give any reason's for vacating the alley.
BPNA is concerned because the west half of the block is in the historic district and by vacating the alley our review process of any development is limited.
Joe golinsky moved to defer to the board any decision regarding the alley vacation. 2nd by joann t. Motion carried-15 for, 0 oppossed, o abstained.
Bahman will attend the next board meeting.
Next general membership meeting is July 14, 2004. This will also be the volunteer thank you party for those helping at the BPNA beer booth @ the LoDo music fest. All members are welcome.